《YOUTH》 03:04 “难道爱就是这样忽然出现、坠入热恋、最后破灭?”《Begin Again》 03:56 “当初明明是她先伸的舌头!”《Black Light》 02:39 “这首真的神了,贡献的神级名场面也多!”《KiII This Love》 03:08 “我爱你,当然是有所图,有所贪。”《Burning》 04:01 “谁还不是一个表面正常,实则...
Youth Spirit can help with its wealth of creative ideas for fun and spirited youth programs. Based on the seasons of the Church Year. Includes: games, discussion starters, simulation exercises, crafts, outreach projects, closing worship ideasCheryl Perry...
Sunday Kids meets in our Upper Hall for Bible Teaching, prayer, games and activities. We have a great team of volunteers who try to make this time fun and beneficial to each of the children who attend. Sunday Youth Year 7 - Year 13 Sunday Morning The high-school aged young people head...
Our teens meet for Teen Connection every Sunday and Wednesday evening. Meetings include Bible teaching, group discussions and group games. Our teens also enjoy summer camp and youth trips. Small Groups Varies Small groups are a great place to get to know other believers and to dig more deeply...
Youth group lessons can shape the spiritual growth and emotional resilience of young people. And with youth facing increasingly complex... December 16, 2024Church Advice 6 Fun and Creative Sunday School Games Sunday school isn't all about lessons; it is supposed to be a memorable experience for...
PlayStation, table football or adventure - whatever your flavour you can play games at your library and enjoy time with your mates.…
Churchwide - Christmas Eve Service - Youth Choir/Communion Service 25 CDC - CDC closed for Christmas Churchwide - Christmas Sports & Rec - Sports & Rec CLOSED Churchwide - Christmas Break: Church Closed 11:30 AM Adults - First Fruits Online Bible Study ...
Every Wednesday, Elim Youth will get to hang out and grow in our relationship with one another through group games and activities that foster service and friendship. Bring a friend! Click here for the schedule. Wednesday Night Live Once-a-Month 2nd Wednesday of the Month 6:00 pm, Dining Ro...
grateful to you. We are a very small church (about 40 regular attendees) and 90% of those are over 65. We just had a young couple offer to help us get a Youth Group. Thanks to you, we won't have to do to much to get this off and running for the holiday season. Thanks again...
Remember the sacrifice Jesus made for each of us when He died on the cross for our sins. Please note: Lakeview Kids classes will not meet during this special worship gathering. Children and youth are invited to attend the main gathering with their families. Easter Sunday First Service Sunday,...