donation 2 done 1 donkey 3 donut 1 donuts 3 door 38 doorbell 1 doors 9 doorway 5 Doritos 2 Dorset 2 double 2 dough 4 doughnut 2 dow walking 1 down 3 downtown 5 draft beer 5 dragon 1 drain 3 Drangey 1 drawers 3 drawing 8 dress 3 dried 9 dri...
A family’s donation to Intermountain Primary Children’s Hospital in the… Elder Holland to German Latter-day Saints: ‘Whatever the question, the answer is the gospel of Jesus Christ’ 2022-11-10 ‘This is God’s very truth,’ Elder Jeffrey R. Holland testifies… Elder Bednar to MTC mis...
Men and women, slave and free, rich and poor – clothed with Christ, the grave clothes come off easily. But it still hurts. It still is terrifying. It is still a long process. We need compassion and the people of God need that compassion – the same compassion that Jesus had when HE...
Ambrose of Milan had occasion to write in his work “On Virgins” concerning the Mother of God: “She was a Virgin not only in body, but also in soul, humble of heart, circumspect in word, wise in mind, not overly given to speaking, a lover of reading and of work, and prudent in...
You may also give toward an international mission through your donation to the Presbyterian Giving Catalog. For example, a pair of goats cost $175.00. If you give by check to the Giving Catalog through FPC make the check out to FPC Wayne with a notation of your gift of choice to allow ...
Aid for Haiti continues ; Springfield church serving as donation drop-off site.Kelly Mori
Click Here to Make a Donation to Church at Prison Serving men, women, and families affected by incarceration since 1992. “Church At Prison saved my life. I was in pain and constant turmoil over an accident in my life and now I am filled with the Joy of the Holy Spirit! I am always...
AND you do NOT have to worry about “backing out” your “rational benefit” you got back from the Church (in a “quid pro quo” manner, in return for your donation to the Church), because you didn’t GET any “rational benefit” at all! So your donation is fully tax-deductable, ...
For those who still wish to make a donation, you can go togive.ChurchRequel.comand click on the designation, "Point of Grace." John Vetter speaks this Sunday!I hope you all will join us Sunday morning for something really special. I've invited John Vetter to preach for us. It will be...
• some of us have even helped to pay for an organ to be installed at our place of employment, only to have a cold-hearted congregation dismiss you after mass one day, and offer to refund your donation to you on your way out the door. You don’t’ take the money because you ...