Thank your letter recipients for their time, consideration, and for any past donations they may have made. It never hurts to thank someone multiple times, and personalizing thank you messages to include specific details about their donation (such as if it was at or for a specific cause) will...
SUBJECT: CHURCH WELCOME LETTER It is my pleasure to write this letter to you on behalf of the members of our congregation. I would like to welcome you to our church for a whole week. Having you here is the best thing that can happen to us at the moment. We all are waiting for your...
The donation is enough for about 6,000 meals provided by… First 37 of Church’s temples start gradual return to normal operations 2022-04-12 Two years after The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day… Elder Uchtdorf, a former refugee, promises Ukrainian refugees in Poland: ‘You are not ...
You may also give toward an international mission through your donation to the Presbyterian Giving Catalog. For example, a pair of goats cost $175.00. If you give by check to the Giving Catalog through FPC make the check out to FPC Wayne with a notation of your gift of choice to allow i...
As the year slowly gathers pace, I wish you and your communities a blessed and happy new year, Daniel. Walking the Path of the Plenary Council “Listen to what the Spirit is saying to the churches” (Rev 2:7). Since 2001, in the wake of St John Paul II’s apostolic letter from ...
Wayne Burton:Thank you, glad to be with you. Sarah Jane Weaver:Why don’t we start today and have you just tell us a little bit about yourself? Certainly, we want to take this opportunity to talk about talents and how we each find the path in life th...
There were also numerous monetary collections that were given to charitable organisations during times of need, such as a sizable donation to the Red Cross in 2004 for the Indonesian tsunami relief efforts, to mention just one of many possible examples. Additionally, a number of priests, brothers...
Given that throughout its history the Mormon Church has been subjected to bigotry, we hope you appreciate the donation in your name to fight religious bigotry here in California.Here are the videos of the protest and press conference:Here is the Associated Press story just relea...