This book examines the key 2008 publication of the Russian Orthodox Church on human dignity, freedom, and rights. It considers how the document was formed, charting the development over time of the Russian Orthodox Church's views on human rights. It analyzes the detail of the document, and ...
Chapter Six: Human Dignity in the Writings of the Church Fathers of the Doctors of the ChurchJadwiga Guerrero van der Meijden
I don’t care. If “woke” means compassionate, empathetic, respectful and loving, safeguarding the dignity of all human beings and their stories, then I proudly embrace it. My daughter is embraced (not physically, because she can’t deal with physical touch) and welcomed. The church is rig...
Pope Francis has formally signed off on allowing Catholic priests to bless same-sex couples -- a radical change in Vatican policy. 1 year ago Pope Francis approves allowing Catholic priests to bless same-sex couples A document from the Vatican's doctrine office released Monday details the declara...
Clearly there was an issue with those at Leicester not recognising the documents that went on to the College of Bishops as being a fair reflection of their work. Leicester was never designed to produce a document for the CoB to consider, though, so it isn’t easy – without having been ...
A working document Greensboro United Church of Christ Creation Justice Covenant Is it not enough for you to feed on the good pasture, but you must tread down with your feet the rest of your pasture? When you drink of clear water, must you foul the rest with your feet? And must my shee...
The above statement from the Pontifical Council’s document on“Women’s Cultures: Equality and Difference”is a response to Pope Francis’s call for a discussion of“feminine genius”and its role in the Church. If in fact women are “oriented to the common good,” then this is the best ...
Augustine, just as that saint always drew a sharp distinction between the resolutions of African councils or the extracts from the Fathers, on the one hand, and the decrees of Popes Innocent and Zosimus on the other. Three years later a famous document on tradition and its use emanated from...
The works of Jewish historian Josephusdocument the events of the great tribulation which took place in the time leading up to and including the destruction and desolation of the old covenant temple in 70 AD. For a concise, highly readable record of those now historical events see George Halford...
Pope Francis has formally signed off on allowing Catholic priests to bless same-sex couples -- a radical change in Vatican policy. 1 year ago Pope Francis approves allowing Catholic priests to bless same-sex couples A document from the Vatican's doctrine office released Monday details the declara...