Parish Bulletin Saint Mary's & Holy Name Parishes Ash Wednesday & Lent 2021 Our celebration of Lent is going to look very different this year. Ash Wednesday is 17th February 2021. As things stand, we cannot celebrate public Mass or distribute ashes in the normal way. So, we must look ...
According to Tradition, from the compiler of Church history Nicephorus Callistus, the Mother of God “was of average stature, or as others suggest, slightly more than average; Her hair golden in appearance; Her eyes bright with pupils like shiny olives; Her eyebrows strong in character and mod...
Also, the bulletin and screen announcements should have information regarding this subject. As part of becoming a new member, this type data should be collected at that time as well. Currently we use OneCallNow for phonetree messages. We have not used the product in over a year, so the ...