You can also apply the chunking method to yournote-taking strategy, be it academic lectures or corporate standups. Chunking helps you organize and structure notes in a way that emphasizes key concepts and relationships between them. You have to work smart when you have many resources to learn ...
Crawling through references in this way, you can see exactly why a given Asset is associated with another Asset, or a Chunk. This can help to discover and remove unnecessary Asset references, or adjust your Chunking strategy to better fit your project's needs....
A bit string content aware chunking strategy for reduced CPU energy on cloud storage. J. Electr. Comput. Eng. 2015, 2015, 242086. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [Green Version] Wang, L.; Dong, X.; Zhang, X.; Guo, F.; Wang, Y.; Gong, W. A logistic based mathematical model to ...