chunking_strategy: Optional. Dictionary containing the chunking mode. Options: {'mode':'sliding_window', 'window_size': 240, 'overlap': 8} (default) {'mode':'paragraph'} embeddings: Optional. Options: fast - Uses Universal Sentence Encoder 4 normal - Uses "BAAI/bge-small-en-v1.5" (defa...
for the chunking stage, which utilizes a large amount of CPU resources and leads to performance issues. Accordingly, they proposed a new chunking algorithm, namely, the bit string content aware chunking strategy (BCCS), which calculates the chunk’s fingerprint using a simple shift operation to ...
is the first to show evidence of squirrels arranging their bounty using "chunking," a cognitive strategy in which humans and other animals organize spatial, linguistic, numeric or other information into smaller more manageable collections, such as subfolders on a computer. ...