Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate 2019-09-17 16:42:21,547 WARN [OpenTSDB I/O Worker #5] HttpQuery: [id: 0x6fd975b6, / => /] Bad Request on /api/put: Chunked request not supported. 2019-09-17 16:42:21,547 INFO [OpenTSDB I/O Worker #5] HttpQuery:...
连续的两次请求, 第一次消息被截断, 而第二次没有发生预期的截断, 而是服务端抛出了异常:Request method 'ruiqingPOST' not supported.刺不刺激 (ノ)゚Д゚( ) 那ruiqingPOST是个什么神仙方法??? 此时, 凭着多年开发(DEBUG)经验练就的敏感度, 我们大致可以猜出, 上一次请求被截取剩下的消息, 在这次请求...
I don't think its that streaming is not supported as curl is return the response from the gateway in batches - instead of the entire response being returned all at once. It could be that the gateway is somehow caching the response chunks. Is there configuration that can be done on the g...
When HTTP/1.1 chunked transfer encoding is used to send the original request body, the request body will be buffered regardless of the directive value unless HTTP/1.1 is enabled for proxying. 👍 3 minghuig commented Jun 13, 2018 I am also curious about whether or not we know when a ...
System.NotSupportedException:“No data is available for encoding 1252. For information on defining a custom encoding 2019-12-20 14:19 −最近搞 .net项目,Dapper连接Mysql时,运行报错: System.NotSupportedException:“No data is available for encoding 1252. For information on defining a custom encod...
System.NotSupportedException:“No data is available for encoding 1252. For information on defining a custom encoding 2019-12-20 14:19 − 最近搞 .net项目,Dapper连接Mysql时,运行报错: System.NotSupportedException:“No data is available for encoding 1252. For information on defining a custom en...
=null&&s.equalsIgnoreCase("chunked")){// 分块传输编码clen=-1;}else{s=headers.getFirst("Content-Length");if(s!=null){clen=Integer.parseInt(s);}}ctx=contexts.findContext(protocol,uri.getPath());if(ctx==null){reject(Code.HTTP_NOT_FOUND,requestLine,"No context found for request");return...
This method is used to enable streaming of a HTTP request body without internal buffering, when the content length is <b>not</b> known in advance.
连续的两次请求, 第一次消息被截断, 而第二次没有发生预期的截断, 而是服务端抛出了异常:Request method 'ruiqingPOST' not supported.刺不刺激 (ノ)゚Д゚( ) 那ruiqingPOST是个什么神仙方法??? 此时, 凭着多年开发(DEBUG)经验练就的敏感度, 我们大致可以猜出, 上一次请求被截取剩下的消息, 在这次请求...
Once request is processed and sampled, the result belongs to chunked prefilling requests will be ignored. Cuda Graph Cuda graph won't be supported for chunked prefill because the performance benefit of cuda graph only happens with smaller # of tokens. ...