Inter-release defect prediction with feature selection using temporal chunk-based learning: An empirical studyMd. Alamgir Kabir aJacky Keung aBurak Turhan b cKwabena Ebo Bennin d
Keywords: code-mixing;usage-based approach;bilingual first language acquisition;traceback;chunk-based learning
Structured learning[1] that is carried out over an electronic platform is called e-learningE-learning is a tool which has the potential to enhance and support the traditional education method. This paper present and design the novel approach for the e-learning video on demand service using the...
DEEP learningNATURAL language processingDelta compression, as a complementary technique for data deduplication, has gained widespread attention in network storage systems. It can eliminate redundant data between non‐duplicate but similar chunks that cannot be identified by data deduplication. The...
摘要: On the basis of lexical chunk theory and meaningful learning theory,this paper explores their inspiration for English lexical teaching and application of teaching strategies.关键词: lexical chunk theory meaningful memory lexical teaching 年份: 2011 ... Let's make a voxel engine :
支持向量机 基于转换的错误驱动学习 汉语组块识别Keywords supportvectormachines SVM ;transformation- asederror-drivenlearning;Chinesechunkrecognition中图分类号!TP311文献标识码!A1引言句法分析是自然语言处理中的难点和重点 经过几十年的研究和发展 目前仍然是一个亟待突破的瓶颈 为了降低句法分析的难度 提高分析的...
METHOD FOR DEVELOPING DATABASE FOR CHUNK-BASED LANGUAGE LEARNING AND ELECTRONIC DEVICE FOR CONDUCTING SAMEThe present invention relates to a method for developing a database for chunk-based language learning, and to an electronic device for conducting the same. More specifically, provided is a ...
Statistical learningLanguage acquisitionMemoryIn the fields of linguistics and cognitive science, considerable attention has been devoted to the question of how linguistic structure emerged over evolutionary time. Here, we highlight the contri- bution of a fundamental constraint on processing, the Now-or...
(2017). Testing statistical learning implicitly: A novel chunk-based measure of statistical learning. Prooceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.Isbilen, E.S., McCauley, S.M., Kidd, E & Christiansen, M.H. (2017). ...