Hi all, this may be due to my own ignorance but isn't the default chunk size too big for the default embedding model? The default embedding model is: sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2 The default chunk size is: 1500 Isn't the max sequence length for all-MiniLM-L6-v2 256 tokens?
我们用 Java 将从 Cam 提取的音视频流 mux 成 flv 以后,发 RTMP 流给 Nginx-RTMP-Module Server,后者发布 RTMP 服务。 近来,我们发现 Nginx-RTMP-Module 发布 RTMP 服务的时候,时常出现 "RTMP in chunk stream too big: 64 >= 32" 错误。 调整max_streams 或者调整 chunk_size,我们都试过了,没用。 后...
通过mongostat查看mongos,发现每秒的写入量在500个左右,而新增加的shard分到的写入量在1~5个左右,也就是老的shard上的写入量依旧很大,而新shard的写入量很低,所以导致新写入数据的chunk无法均衡分散。 move chunk经常出现too big的问题,我查看了chunk size是32M,我把它调整到了64M后跑了一晚上,刚才看了下balance...
Issues Plan and track work Code Review Manage code changes Discussions Collaborate outside of code Code Search Find more, search less Explore All features Documentation GitHub Skills Blog Solutions By company size Enterprises Small and medium teams ...
29 、The offset value starts at 0 for the first chunk of data, and is incremented by the size of the buffer for each consecutive chunk.───为第一个数据块分配的偏移量值为0,然后偏移量值对每个连续块按缓冲区大小递增。 30 、No, those are too big. I want slices, not chunks.─── 不...
<<" chunk: "<< chunkInfo.chunk <<endl;if( res["chunkTooBig"].trueValue() ) {// reload just to be safecm = cfg->getChunkManager( chunkInfo.ns ); verify( cm ); c = cm->findChunk( chunkInfo.chunk.min );log() <<"forcing a split because migrate failed for size reasons"<<en...
The exams are taken in bite-size chunks over two years. 这些考试零零碎碎,得两年才考完。 A chunk of the cliff had cracked off in a storm. 山崖上的一块石头在暴风雨中崩塌下来。 They had to be careful of floating chunks of ice.
<<" chunk: "<< chunkToMove <<endl;if( res["chunkTooBig"].trueValue() ) {// reload just to be safecm = cfg->getChunkManager( chunkInfo.ns ); assert( cm ); c = cm->findChunk( chunkToMove["min"].Obj() );log() <<"forcing a split because migrate failed for size reasons"...
puts("Too big."); } } else { puts("There are only 20 pages in this notebook."); } return __readfsqword(0x28u) ^ *(_QWORD *)&size[1]; } unsigned __int64 __fastcall delete_note(const char *a1) { unsigned int v2; // [rsp+4h] [rbp-Ch] BYREF ...
Finally I emerged in Oconto, feeling wiped out. I made my way to the Kwik Trip and bought supper (a family-size microwaved chicken mac and cheese) and a gallon of water. The campground, Holtwood Park, is on a peninsula cut out by Oconto River, which meant a bit of a maze to get...