I am using RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter to split my documents for ingestion into a vector db. What is the intuition for selecting optimal chunk parameters? It seems to me that chunk_size influences the size of documents being retrieved...
chunk_overlap:如果仅仅使用chunk_size来切割时,前后两段字符串重叠的字符数量。 add_start_index:是否在元数据中包含每个块在原始文档中的起始位置 length_function:如何计算块的长度。默认情况下,只计算字符数,但通常在此处传递令牌计数器 重复字段的意义:块之间保持一些重叠,以确保语义上下文不会在块之间丢失。在大...
Description Change default values for chunk size, chunk overlap and gleanings. This settings are based on various experimentations we did comparing a small chunk size and overlap against a big chunk size with multiple retries over the same one. This conf
若召回时无法召回相邻块,则会影响RAG的性能。此时,最好的办法是设定一定长度的 overlap 。
利用off by one 漏洞 修改chunk size , 并且 构造伪造的chunk 相关的判断条件 申请伪造的chunk , 从而利用overlap 修改 下一个chunk的索引堆的指针 tip : 创建堆 不仅仅malloc一个指定size的堆 , 所以 如果伪造的size进入了 unsorted bin,需要考虑 伪造的chunk被切割的情况 ...
Download: Download full-size image Fig. 3. Distribution of linguistic features with the agreement rate. A. The distribution of linguistic features (pause length, prosodic strength, and clause structure) across the boundary categories (High, Medium-High (Med-H), Medium (Med), Low, and Non-Boun...
api和webui知识库操作支持chunk_size/overlap_size/zh_title_enhance参数 24e00e0 liunux4odoo merged commit 16d8809 into chatchat-space:dev Sep 13, 2023 liunux4odoo deleted the chunk branch September 16, 2023 02:34 Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an ac...
您好,有以下问题期待大佬回答: 1、在我执行python pilot/server/dbgpt_server.py后,有这样的报错信息【Got a larger chunk overlap (100) than chunk size (83), should be smaller.】 但是可以启动成功,访问也都正常。 2、在发起提问后,页面会白屏,没有回答,后台日
固定大小分块(Fixed-size Chunking)固定大小分块是最简单的一种方法,它将文本按照预设的字符数或句子...