CHUNITHM International ver. is proudly presented by SEGA Co., Ltd. It is a very popular music arcade game in Japan and other Asia countries. Follow the rhythm, touch the slider and swing your hands to the AIR STRINGS sensor to play!
Aime 要使用 CHUNITHM-NET,需先用卡片在機台上玩一次 創設 SEGA ID SEGA ID 對應 SEGA 公司多種遊戲,已註冊過 SEGA ID 玩家,可直接登入國際版 CHUNITHM-NET 到 Aime 選新規登録/New Registration(網頁下方可切換日文、英文) 如果使用 BANAPASSPORT 卡,不論是否註冊過
chuni_int(extract_last_part(classemblem_top_elem["src"])) # type: ignore[reportGeneralTypeIssues] ) if classemblem_top_elem and classemblem_top_elem.has_attr("src") else None ) avatar_group = soup.select_one(".avatar_group") avatar = UserAvatar( base="
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