Contrary, extreme eigenvalues and principal eigenvector are not similar for those model. We provide applications of obtained results related to the spectral graph theory and efficiency of quantum spatial searchdoi:10.1016/j.physa.2018.10.050Glos, Adam...
Generating large scale-free networks with the Chung-Lu random graph model 作者: Dario Fasino, Arianna Tonetto, Francesco Tudisco 摘要:通过生成随机图模型和可伸缩算法生成综合网络是网络分析中的一个经常性使用的工具,它为实际网络中各种属性的统计分析提供了一个有根据的基础。
We propose that the dividend policy of a firmis endogenous and use a two-stage Probit Selection model to deal with examinationof the financing constraints of the firms. The empirical result shows that: 1) Thereexist some differences between the OLS model and Probit Selection Model, especiallyin...
The Chung-Lu model, which connects nodes based on their expected degrees, is of particular interest. It is widely used to generate null-graph models with expected degree sequences. In addition, these attachment probabilities implicitly define network measures such as modularity. Despite its ...
The Chung-Lu random graph model is one particularly popular model, which connects nodes according to their desired degrees to form a specific degree distribution in expectation. Despite its popularity, the standard Chung-Lu graph generation algorithms are susceptible to significant degree sequence errors...
Generating large scale‐free networks with the Chung–Lu random graph modeldoi:10.1002/NET.22012Dario FasinoArianna TonettoFrancesco TudiscoJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd
SDSC, skitter (July 1998) A random graph model for massive graphs William Aiello Fan Chung Graham Lincoln Lu What are thep(p)