Bankrolled by online platform iQiyi, the film is supposedly based on a true case. Back in 2019 iQiyi had sent Qiu the script – by a certain Pang Xiao 庞晓, and originally titled 8077, after the Border Police Battalion number – and the director reportedly liked the mixture of genres that...
Eunji has been focused on other aspects of her artistry beyond music. She earned a special place in people's hearts with her stellar performance in the television drama "Reply 1997," where she played an avid K-pop fan named Sung Shiwon. The role would mark a before and an after in Eun...
Tai Chung-pui(2017). “On the reconstruction of Tangut medial -w-”, Invited presentation for the workshop “Recent Advances in Tangut Studies” supported by the European Research Council (ERC) project “Asia Beyond Boundaries”. London: SOAS, University of London, 28 February2017. Tai Chung-...