作文一:《初二英语作文范文》4500字Reading is playing an important part in our life. First of all , we can not only get knowledge but also open the mind through reading .Besides , it is also a good way to make us intelligent.Textbooks , newspaper, magazines and other kin......
初二优秀作文:陌上 群山间,鸟栖树上鸣叫;溪水旁,鱼跃水面竞游。 旧陌上,春吹花缓缓开;问天下,何处不是风景? ——题记 诚然,我很向往。 那些有风景相随的生活,那些忘却都市的繁华,忘却车红 08-15|查看全文 以痛 忆为题目的初三作文 天已全黑。 阿布望着黑夜里高高的,模糊的墙,轻轻叹了口气。三年了,他在...