Identification and elimination of mycoplasmas in fish cell line cultures. J. Fish Dis. 19:435-439(1996) CHSE-214细胞ATCC CRL-1681鲑鱼胚胎细胞 接受后处理 1) 收到细胞后,请检查是否漏液,如果漏液,请 拍照片发给我们。 2) 请先在显微镜下确认细胞生长状态,去掉封口 膜并将T25瓶置于37℃培养约2-3h...
A DAPTATION OF CHSE-214 CELL LINE TO SALINE CONDITIONSSummaryThe CHSE-214 cell line was succesfully adapted to grow in Leibovitz Medium supplemented to 80/oo and 16o/oo NaCl. The clones are stable and equallyBY CARLOS P. DOPAZJAIME MONTES...
A transgenic cell line for the detection of salmon interferons (IFNs) has been established. It is based on a CHSE-214 cell line containing a reporter construct expressing firefly luciferase under the control of the rainbow trout promoter for the IFN-induced gene. This cell line, named CHSE-...
CHSE-214 CELL LINE (SALMON)推荐供应商 建议您优先选择企业会员,我们对企业会员产品有严格审核。 公司名称:SIGMA推荐 联系电话:800 736 3690 (Orders) 电子邮件: 国籍:瑞士 产品介绍: CB指数:91 网址 相关信息:全球销售网络产品目录(6896)用户评价(25) ...
In the present study, we applied RNA inhibition to silence twenty pre-selected genes on the genome of a fish cell line (CHSE-214) followed by a gentamicin assay to quantify the effect of silencing on the cells' susceptibility to infection and found that silencing of 18 out of 20 genes ...
Twelve lineages of the chinook salmon embryo cell line (CHSE-214) were tested for susceptibility to infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV), viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (VHSV), infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV), and Oncorhynchus masou virus (OMV). Significantly lower ...
A recombinant CHSE-214 cell line expressing an Mx1 promoter- reporter system responds to both interferon type I and type II from salmonids and represents a versatile tool to study the IFN-system in teleost fish. Fish Shell- fish Immunol. 23, 1294-1303.Jorgensen, J.B.; Johansen, A.; ...
2000. Modulation of HSP70 and HSP90 expression by Sodium Salicylate and Aspirin in fish cell line CHSE-214. Zool Sci 17:1275-1282.Koo HN, Oh SY, Kang KI, Moon DY, Kim HD, Kang HS. Modulation of HSP70 and HSP90 expression by sodium salicylate and aspirin in fish cell line CHSE-214...
At 24 h, the cells started to disintegrate and resulted in cell death. Our data demonstrate that Al2O3 NPs induce cytotoxicity and oxidative stress in a dose-dependent manner in CHSE-214 cells. Thus, our current work may serve as a base-line study for future evaluation of toxicity ...
The TO cell line was tested for the isolation of infectious salmon anaemia virus (ISAV) from Atlantic salmon organs. Isolations were made from stored liver and mixed organ samples from a confirmed case of ISA in Scotland. TO, SHK-1 and CHSE-214 cells were used. The TO cell line was ...