The second race of the300C SRT-8is going against a "rocket" –BMW M6 ESS VT3with highly tuned V10 engine delivering 900HP (662 kW). Here theChryslerdoes not stand a chance against theBMW. Again, the 300C had bad reaction time, but it didn't manage to cope with ...
在线看Toyota Mark II (iR-V 110) vs Chrysler 300c.. 40秒。2022 5月 26的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 464 — 已浏览。 1 — 已评价。
Some perspective is needed here of course. In fairness to Audi, its buyers are unlikely to be pulling their hair out deciding between a Hemi 300C and an FSI A6, but it’s an interesting insight into the differing directions our motoring nations choose to take, and just what you can...
There is a recall on a alternator for 2013 300c, talk to many different people (Beth,Yolanda,Cara, and two others I didn't get there names and a live chat with Michael no one cares or want to help,I was promise to get call back and with information, my call seems to get drop aft...
亦柔亦刚——Toyota Crown VS Chrysler 300C 维普资讯
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