Chrysanthemum morifolium several cultivars and lines Leaf MS, 1 mg l− 1 BA, 2 mg l− 1 NAA, 1 mg l− 1 casamino acids, 0.1 mg l− 1 acetosyringone CAB, GUS, nptII, hpt A.t. AGL0, pIG121Hm, EHA105, pIGcab1 Develop efficient promoters Aida et al., 2004 C. morifolium...
Chrysanthemum morifolium several cultivars and lines Leaf MS, 1 mg l− 1 BA, 2 mg l− 1 NAA, 1 mg l− 1 casamino acids, 0.1 mg l− 1 acetosyringone CAB, GUS, nptII, hpt A.t. AGL0, pIG121Hm, EHA105, pIGcab1 Develop efficient promoters Aida et al., 2004 C. morifolium...
1.any widely cultivated plant of the genusChrysanthemum,espC. morifoliumof China, having brightly coloured showy flower heads: familyAsteraceae(composites) 2.any other plant of the genusChrysanthemum,such as oxeye daisy Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005 ...
chrysanthemumHybrid “daisy mums” (Chrysanthemum×morifolium). The red ray flowers surround the centre of yellow disk flowers. Most plants of the genus areperennialherbs or subshrubs. Many have simple aromaticleavesthat alternate along the stem. Some have both disk and rayflowersin the heads, but...
1.Self-pollinated seeds of 7 small-flowered chrysanthemum (Dendranthema morifolium Tzvel.利用60 Coγ射线对 7个小菊品种的自交种子以 1 5Gy的剂量进行辐射处理 ,对后代的株高、花径、花色和花期等变异情况进行观察统计。 2.Self-pollinated seeds of 7 small-flowered chrysanthemum(Dendranthema morifolium Tzvel...
关键词: Chrysanthemum morifolium seeds irradiation germination antioxidant enzymes 被引量: 6 年份: 2011 收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享 全部来源 求助全文 Semantic Scholar 知网 相似文献 参考文献 引证文献60Co-γ射线对菊花组培苗的诱变效应 The microshoots of in vitro-cultured Chrysanthemum morifolium cv. ...
英语读物 > chrysanthemum 《菊花》 下载文档 收藏 打印 转格式 346阅读文档大小:57.5K19页sxl531上传于2011-05-13格式:DOC 《Chrysanthemum Flower Bed(菊花台)》指弹吉他谱 热度: 让菊花的命名重新统一到Chrysanthemum+morifolium+Ramat上来 热度: 超声波辅助提取菊花中总黄酮工艺条件研究 Study on Ultrasonic-assisted...
Chrysanthemum is the dried flower bud of Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat, which has good health care value and can be used both as food and as medicine according to Chinese regulation. Its medicinal value is familiar to people, and the modern research indicates that the chrysanthemum c...
Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat.) is a commercially valuable ornamental plant with bright yellow petals, mainly reflecting the accumulation of lutein [101]. Flower development involves a switch from lutein, β-carotene and violaxanthin synthesis to the predominant synthesis of lutein, which ...
Botanical Name:Chrysanthemum Morifolium Other Names:Garden mum, garden chrysanthemum, hardy chrysanthemum, hardy mum, mum. Are Mums Edible? YES!! The leaves and petals are edible. They have a somewhat bitter taste. The petals can be eaten raw or cooked. Add color to salads. Try the mixed wi...