And quite unconsciously, I seem to have handed Barry the logical extrapolation of today's views on cyborgs. I thought I was creating an intellectual rebel, someone who pushed a logical argument to ridiculous extremes. Instead, I now wonder whether readers thirty years down the line will look ...
Today’s announcement accompanied a trading statement, which boasted overall earnings in line with management expectations, for the first six months of the financial year ending Aug. 31. “We’re on a hot streak again,” says Lascelles, noting the company has a share of nine albums in the t...
Chrysalis strikes a happy medium between conforming with the venerable RWS system, and re-visioning Tarot for today. Major Arcana cards are re-imagined, and the pips are unlike any you’ve seen before. The court cards are a charming troupe of medieval messengers. But Chrysalis is also similar...