the mass production of busts of Roman emperors was a real success. One apparent habit of his was borrowing original drawings done by old masters and copying them so well that he could return his copy and keep the originals for himself, all while going undetected. ...
The Month Governed by the Moon.—Just as one complete rotation of the globe on its axis, from sunset on to sunset again, marks off one day on this earth, so the time required for the moon to go once around the earth—that is, to pass through its visible phases, as from crescent to...
we are to be allowed to pre-judge the evidence or any part of it as unreliable, worthless or even false, as some moderns are inclined to do, we must take into account all the items reported in order to get a true picture of the whole course from the Last Supper to the Crucifixion....
the mass production of busts of Roman emperors was a real success. One apparent habit of his was borrowing original drawings done by old masters and copying them so well that he could return his copy and keep the originals for himself, all while going undetected. ...