Vasco da Gama sails from Europe to India via the route that goes south of the African continent. 16th century AD Islam is the leading religion in the Taklamakan region. Babur (Zahir ud-Din Muhammad) founds the Mughal dynasty on the Indian subcontinent and becomes its first emperor. He is ...
Later, instead of the beginning of a reign or of a dynasty, the death of a religious founder was adopted as the starting point of an era. AmongBuddhiststhe death of the Buddha and among theJainsthe death of the Jina were taken as the beginning of eras. The Jain era (vīrasaṃvat)...
Chronology - Astronomical Speculation, Eras, Timekeeping: During the period of elaboration of the classical Hindu astronomy, which was definitively expounded in the treatises called siddhāntas and by authors such as Aryabhata (born ad 476), Varāhamihir