Previously, when Irenaeus in the II Century was opposed to the idea that the ministry of Jesus had lasted only one year, he was mentioning the Passover of Jn. 2:13 and that of Jn. 12:1, adding that the other feast with no name in the original text of John (Jn. 5:1), was ...
Before Jesus' Public Ministry –+ Week 1-6 | Judea: Baptism And First Followers –+ Week 7 | Galilee: Jesus Visits His Family Of Origin –+ Week 8-15 | Jerusalem: The First Passover –+ Week 9-15 | Galilee: Between The First Passover And Pentecost –+ Week 15 | Jerusalem: Penteco...
December 26we began the last book of the Bible, the Revelation of Jesus Christ. He gave this one revelation to the Apostle John while he was in exile on the island of Patmos. John was called up to heaven in a vision to see what things were to come upon the earth and its people in...
Moses and Aaron went to see Pharaoh."What I like about this is that there was Moses & Aaron going to see Pharaoh - the 2 of them. This reminds me of Jesus sending out the disciples in pairs. Sometimes in life it seems like we can accomplish...
Examples include the story of Abraham and Isaac and the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. If you are looking to better understand the context of the Bible, Bible Study Together’s Chronological Cross-Reference Bible Reading Plan is the best one for you! Lots of Reading Plan Options When ...
This is the Chronological Order of events in the Bible, from the Creation of the world in Genesis chapter one, to Apostle Johns revelation of Christ at the Island of Patmos in the book of Revelation, and the dates they occurred. There are 236 Bible Stories In Chronological Order on this ...
John 3-4 Early ministry of Jesus Day 39 Luke 4-6, Mark 2-4 Teachings of Jesus Day 40 Matthew 5-7 Sermon on the Mount Day 41 Mark 10, Luke 8-12, Matthew 17-18 More teachings of Jesus Day 42 John 13-17 Jesus' upper room discourse Day 43 Matthew 26-28...
a rich man from Arimathea who was one of Jesus' followers, went to Pilate and asked for Jesus' body. And Pilate issued an order to release it to him. Joseph took the body and wrapped it in a long linen cloth. He placed it in his own new tomb, which had been carved out of the ...
1 BC, Luke 1 – 2:Birth of John the Baptist 1 BC, Mathew 1:Augustus Taxes the Roman Empire 1 AD, Matthew 2:Visit of the Magi 1 AD, John 1:Early Life of Jesus 30 AD, Matthew 3:John the Baptist Prepares the Way 30 AD, Mark 1:John the Baptist Prepares the Way ...
He is the author of Finding Life – A Journey Through 1 John, the founder of, worked six years with children in residential care, a devout student of biblical Greek, a disciple of Jesus Christ, a creative developer, and the owner of Finest Studios. Order a ...