小巧轻便的 Red 实现. Contribute to Nanxi-su/chronocat development by creating an account on GitHub.
如果你希望等待协议实现,我推荐等待上面的 Lagrange。 Chronocat 同样不建议在你的 bot 仍然可用的情况下就开始迁移。可以继续保持现有方案,然后再慢慢开始考虑迁移计划。 最后再次强调:不推荐迁移到闭源框架。 理由应该无需说明。About 小巧轻便的 Red 实现 chronocat.vercel.app Resources Readme Activity Stars...
安装方式和其他yunzai类似,照着TRSS-Yunzai Readme的步骤1、2、3、4执行即可,可以不与Choronocat安装在一起,但鉴于安全性不建议将Choronocat端口暴露于公网。但在第一步时,要注意我们需要ws-plugin(https://gitee.com/xiaoye12123/ws-plugin)来通过red协议连接到chronocat,因此要额外多安装一个ws插件,参考仓库re...
When running behind schedule, the task progress bar now includes a red underlayer indicating the current time. This feature provides a clear visual cue if you’re falling behind, helping you stay on track. App Privacy The developer,HabitEdge Pty Ltd, indicated that the app’s privacy practices...
故事**已淡 上传3.68 MB 文件格式 zip ntqq qq qq-bot qq-protocol qqbot qqnt red-protocol satori satorijs 模块化的 Satori 框架 点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 eLab/eventos 2024-11-11 15:41:56 积分:1 JavaQuan/quan 2024-11-11 15:41:18 积分:1 ...
When running behind schedule, the task progress bar now includes a red underlayer indicating the current time. This feature provides a clear visual cue if you’re falling behind, helping you stay on track. more App Privacy See Details The developer, HabitEdge Pty Ltd, indicated that the ap...
When running behind schedule, the task progress bar now includes a red underlayer indicating the current time. This feature provides a clear visual cue if you’re falling behind, helping you stay on track. more App Privacy See Details The developer, HabitEdge Pty Ltd, indicated that the ap...
When running behind schedule, the task progress bar now includes a red underlayer indicating the current time. This feature provides a clear visual cue if you’re falling behind, helping you stay on track. more App Privacy See Details The developer, HabitEdge Pty Ltd, indicated that the ap...
When running behind schedule, the task progress bar now includes a red underlayer indicating the current time. This feature provides a clear visual cue if you’re falling behind, helping you stay on track. more App Privacy See Details The developer, HabitEdge Pty Ltd, indicated that the ap...
Chronocat 的文档仍在完善。如果文档有缺,可以加讨论群(811724851,点击即可加群),我会优先编写大家需要的内容。此外: 如果你的 go-cqhttp 已经完全无法使用,希望立即迁移且不想重构代码,我推荐使用上面的 Shamrock。 如果你希望等待协议实现,我推荐等待上面的 Lagrange。