Chrono Trigger features standard console role-playing game (RPG) gameplay with several innovations. The player controls the protagonist and his companions in the game's two-dimensional fictional world, consisting of various forests, cities, and dungeons. Navigation occurs via an overworld map, depictin...
Square Enix has released Chrono Trigger for PC via Steam for $14.99.View the launch trailer below:Here is an overview of features of [...]
The latest Chrono Trigger news, guides, walkthroughs, screenshots, and reviews, along with information such as developer, publisher, and number of players.
As the definitive version of CHRONO TRIGGER, not only have the controls been updated, the graphics and sound have also been revamped to make your adventure even more fun and enjoyable to play. To complete your journey, also included is the mysterious ‘Dimensional Vortex’ dungeon and the forgo...
As the definitive version of CHRONO TRIGGER, not only have the controls been updated, the graphics and sound have also been revamped to make your adventure even more fun and enjoyable to play. To complete your journey, also included is the mysterious ‘Dimensional Vortex’ dungeon and the forgo...
As the definitive version of CHRONO TRIGGER, not only have the controls been updated, the graphics and sound have also been revamped to make your adventure even more fun and enjoyable to play. To complete your journey, also included is the mysterious ‘Dimensional Vortex’ dungeon and the forgo...
I'm sort of surprised S-E hasn't brought the iOS port of Chrono Trigger over to the Switch yet. We've been getting a steady stream other S-E iOS ports over the years. The World Ends With You, Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition, Romancing Saga 3, Dragon Quest 1-3, etc. At this ra...
Also, expect to spend some time learning the touch controls before you can navigate with confidence. Sliding virtual buttons are a poor replacement for a solid gamepad. Chrono Trigger is one of the ten games every gamer should be familiar with at least on some level. It was crafted with ...
Recently, the fifth and final major content patch forCHRONO TRIGGERon STEAM has been released following fan feedback to adjust the game to be closer to the style of its original release. This patch includes: New Key Binding Functions: Key binding functionality for game pad, keyboard and mouse...
Chrono Trigger is still heralded as one of the great RPGs of all time, thanks to its excellent combat system, time-travel mechanics, and great soundtrack, among other things. Its development was led by Dragon Quest's Yuji Horii and Final Fantasy's Hironobu Sakaguchi, who at the time worke...