"Something like that. That way I can invite some more women into my harem." ―Duke Sateriasis Venomania[src] Sateriasis Venomania, originally named Cherubim Venomania, was a Duke of the Beelzenian Empire, governing the territory of Asmodean. Despised for
Banica on the recap in Deadly Sins of Evil: Judgment of Corruption Banica on the recap in Deadly Sins of Evil: The Muzzle of Nemesis Banica's profile in Deadly Sins of Evil: Master of the Heavenly Yard Banica on the recap in the novelAppearances...
Master of the Heavenly Yard(appears in PV) Song of the Third Period Waltz of the Deceased The Song of the Cowardly Black Bird(mentioned in PV) At the End of a Millennium Vow The Contradictory Grim the End(mentioned only) Evils Theater ...
Allen's pose in the original song PV is similar to the Evils Court depiction of the Master of the Heavenly Yard. The song was rearranged by mothy shortly after the release of Kagamine Rin Act 2, titled "The Daughter of Evil (Modified Version)", a revised track to improve the smoothness...
Deadly Sins of Evil: Fifth Pierrot Deadly Sins of Evil: The Tailor of Enbizaka Deadly Sins of Evil: Master of the Heavenly Yard Original Sin Story: Crime Entr'acte of Evil: The Daughter of Evil Worldguide Epic of Evil: The Daughter of Evil Fanbook ...
Master of the Heavenly Yard Genesis Girl Gretel Waltz of the Departed(appears in PV) At the End of a Millennium Vow(mentioned only) The Contradictory Grim the End(mentioned only) Evils Theater Screws, Gears, and Pride (album)(non-canon appearance) ...
Master of the Heavenly Yard (appears in PV) Waltz of the Departed (appears in PV) Four Melodies of Evil ~The Daughter of Evil Novel Music Collection~ The Muzzle of Nemesis (album) Seven Crimes and Punishments (album) Master of the Heavenly Yard (album) (mentioned only) HISTORY OF The Da...
Template:引用列表[[en:Gift from the Princess who Brought Sleep ↑The Heavenly Yard – January 12, 2013– “怠惰”というテーマで真っ先に思いつくのが“眠り姫”とか“白雪姫”とか、あるいは“ラプンツェル”とかだったのですが、