He assembled a faction of vivacious newborns which he eradicated and transfigured multitudes of humans into immortals on the border of the eastern hemisphere. In conclusion, Connor was eradicated by The Old Ones and by several of their fellow companions. He disappeared with no sufficient terminations...
The Empire of Soga – Credit: Keewa The Empire of Soga –Snowy Sengoku Japan with demon hunters, Samurai, and Fox-Girl mages. They’ve mostly got the sort of armour, weapons, and attire that you’d expect from that description. Faction colour: Dark Red. The Sand Kingdoms – Credit: Kee...
Everything about the war-torn world of Aionios is completely foreign, from the 10-year life spans the world’s pod-grown residents live, to the constant war to power up “flame clocks” that each faction draws life from, to the Off-Seers who play flutes to release the dead as sprites...