Chronic wasting disease, or CWD, is a neurological disease infecting wild white-tailed deer in Iowa and throughout North America. This article reviews the most relevant and up-to-date scientific information about the disease and provides recommendations for addressing this emerging challenge in Iowa....
僵尸鹿(Chronic wasting disease),别名鹿慢性消耗性疾病、疯鹿病、尸鹿病,是由朊病毒(Prion)引起、发生在鹿身上的一种常见病害。病鹿共济失调,离群索居,过多流涎,精神沉郁,运动异常,瘫痪,体重减少,吞咽困难,渴感增强,尿多和肺炎等。僵尸鹿会引起鹿和麋鹿的神经退行性病变,最终导致中枢神经系统发生海绵样改变,患病...
(HealthDay)—Chronic wasting disease has been found in wild deer, elk, and moose in 24 states, and hunters should avoid handling or eating potentially infected meat, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned.
If you hunt deer, elk, moose or other cervids in other states and/or provinces, particularly those in which chronic wasting disease has been detected,check with the respective fish and wildlife agenciesregarding special regulations or specific advice for hunters. Also check with your home state f...
WASHINGTON, Feb. 17 (Xinhua) -- Chronic wasting disease (CWD) has been detected in wild deer, elk or moose in at least 24 U.S. states, warned the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) during the weekend, advising people to avoid handling or eating potentially infected ...
The particularly troubling aspect of CWD is that there is no known way to eradicate the disease once established, because it can persist in the environment for years, perhaps decades — even in the complete absence of deer.About the only good news is that there is currently no evidence that...
: a progressive, fatal prion disease of deer, elk, and moose that is characterized by weight loss, tremors, lack of coordination, drooling, excessive thirst, and listlessness Since it was first identified two decades ago in deer in Colorado, chronic wasting disease has spread to a dozen st...
Until recently, chronic wasting disease of cervids, the only prion disease affecting wildlife, was believed to be geographically concentrated to Colorado and Wyoming within the United States. However, increased surveillance has unveiled several additional pockets of CWD-infected deer and elk in 12 addi...
2006) and chronic wasting disease (CWD; Thompson et al. 2023). The logic behind these regulations is that supplemental feeding promotes unnatural congregation of deer and other wildlife, thus increasing the risk of disease spread (Gillin and Mawdsley 2018). Supplemental feeding has been implicated...
这种僵尸鹿病毒还有一个学名叫做慢性消耗性疾病(Chronic Wasting Disease ,简称CWD)。主要因为感染之后...