We present a case of the fracture of the posterior margin of the lateral tibial plateau, probably by pivot shift mechanism in a chronic anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) insufficient knee. Multitudes of direct and indirect signs of ACL injury were evident on MRI, including anterior translation of...
CT showed the fat/blood level in the suprapatellar bursa (E, arrow) and a subtle nondisplaced tibial plateau fracture (F, arrow). Source: Chapter IV-3. A-C: A lateral view of the left knee shows that the patella is too distally positioned or “low-lying.” Hence, the term “patell...
7.Operative Treatment for Radial Head Overgrowth of the Old Unreduced Monteggia’s Fracture in Children桡骨头过度生长型儿童陈旧性孟氏骨折的治疗 8.Treatment for Old Fracture of Tibial Plateau with Stiffness of Knee Joint胫骨平台陈旧性骨折合并膝关节僵硬的治疗 9.Old Comprehensive Treatment of Patella F...