Define Chronic Renal Failure. means end stage renal failure presenting as chronic irreversible failure of both kidneys to function, as a result of which regular renal dialysis is instituted.
The acronym CRF is used as a synonym for chronic renal insufficiency, chronic renal functional impairment, and also for chronic uremia, the latter term, however, having a completely different meaning (see Chapter 5). Tubular dysfunction, or abnormalities in the composition of the glomerular ...
内科学英文课件:Respiratory Failure 热度: ChronicRenalFailure ACourseforStudents Chronicrenalfailure theend-stageofCKD andisdefinedasseverelyreducedkidney functionortreatmentwithdialysis Overview 1)Definition,etiologyandmechanismofchronicrenal failure(CRF)
1、Chronic Renal Failure,A Course for Students,Chronic renal failure,the end-stage of CKD and is defined as severely reduced kidney function or treatment with dialysis,Overview,1) Definition, etiology and mechanism of chronic renal failure(CRF) 2) Clinical manifestations 3) Diagnosis and ...
acute renal failure. The loss of renal function may be due to previous episodes of acute renal failure with subsequent long term kidney damage or may be due to diseases which cause progressive deterioration of the kidney such as primary kidney diseases (glomerulonephritis) or secondary disorders ...
The narrow sense definition ROP is referred tochronic renal failurewith metabolism bone diseases. 狭义肾性骨病是指慢性肾衰竭伴发代谢性骨病. 互联网 To observe the long - term effect of comprehensive therapy onchronic renal failure( CRF ).
Chronic renal failure (CRF) is defined as the stage at which the irreversibly damaged kidneys are unable to maintain the homeostasis of the body. Patients with established CRF do not recover but instead experience a continuous loss of function, even when the original disease that damaged the kidn...
chronic renal failure 美 英 un.慢性肾功能衰竭 英汉 un. 1. 慢性肾功能衰竭
RenalFailurediseaseChronicCRFvitaminuremickidneypatientsblood 系统标签: renalchronicfailureuremicproteinurianephrotoxicity ChronicRenalFailureChronicRenalFailure XuXiaoqi ShanghaiSecondMedicalUni. 2005.10.6 ContentContent Definition Etiology PathogenesisofCRF Pathogenesisofuremicsyndrome Clinicalpresentations...
慢性心力衰竭Chronic-Heart-Failure-(双语)ChronicHeartFailure People'sHospital 1 DefinitionofHeartFailure HFisacomplexclinicalsyndromethatcanresultfromanystructuralorfunctionalcardiacdisorderthatimpairstheabilityoftheventricletofillwithorejectblood.是各种心脏结构或功能性疾病导致心室充盈和(或)射血功能受损,心排血量...