Chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS) is a common condition that is encountered by a variety of healthcare professionals. Unfortunately, physicians often misdiagnose this problem or recommend inappropriate and sometimes dangerous treatments that offer little hope of successful outcome. In addition, CPPS ...
Chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS) is a well-established condition that is notorious for the pain and disability it causes. Treating CPPS challenges even the most compassionate physician; patients are often understandably tense, wary, and defensive, and most of them will have already encountered ...
1)chronic pelvic pain syndrome慢性盆腔疼痛综合征 1.Treatment of chronic pelvic pain syndrome (TCM syndrome of damp-heat and blood-stasis obstruction) with Qianlie Decoction;前列汤治疗慢性盆腔疼痛综合征湿热瘀阻证临床研究 2.Biofeedback Pelvic Muscles Exercise in Treatment of Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrom...
3) chronic pelvic pain syndrome 慢性盆腔疼痛综合征 1. Treatment of chronic pelvic pain syndrome (TCM syndrome of damp-heat and blood-stasis obstruction) with Qianlie Decoction; 前列汤治疗慢性盆腔疼痛综合征湿热瘀阻证临床研究 2. Biofeedback Pelvic Muscles Exercise in Treatment of Chronic Pelvic ...
Treatment of Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome—Reply Ammarin Thakkinstian, PhD; John Attia, MD, PhD, FRCPC, FRACP JAMA. 2011;305(13):1298-1299. doi:10.1001/jama.2011.400 Full Text In Reply: Dr Jackson and colleagues are concerned that our meta-analysis alternated between fixe...
Purpose We compared the efficacy of tamsulosin with placebo for the treatment of chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS). Materials and Methods In a double blind phase II trial, 58 patients 55 years old or younger with moderate to severe CP/CPPS were randomized to receive ...
Chronic pelvic pain syndrome(CPPS) which is also named by chronic nonbacterial prostatitis is a common urologic disease. This disease could not be treated effectively and affects the living quality of the patients. This article reviews the progress on the CPPS about its definition, classification,...
Chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS) is a common condition among men of a wide age range, with detrimental effects on quality of life. The etiology, pathogenesis, and optimal treatment of CP/CPPS remain unknown, although progress has been made in these domains in recent...
A 47 year old man had suffered from chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS) for eight years, and received conventional treatment from a university clinic without effect during the entire period. The patient presented for acupuncture treatment, complaining of constant pain in the ...
【疾病名】慢性盆腔疼痛 【英文名】chronicpelvicpain 【缩写】 【别名】慢性下腹痛 【ICD号】N94.8 【概述】 慢性盆腔疼痛指非周期性、持续达6个月以上(也有认为达3个月以上)、 对非阿片类药物治疗无效的盆腔疼痛。慢性盆腔疼痛是妇女最常见的症状之 一。 盆腔痛有急性和慢性之分,急性盆腔痛均因盆腔内脏器病变...