Last Updated: September 19, 2023 Author: Laura Smith Associate Editorial Manager Pain Management ContentsKey Chronic Pain Statistics and Facts An estimated 20.9% of US adults (51.6 million) live with chronic pain. Arthritis is the most common chronic pain condition. Women and those over the ...
JAMA. 2023;329(11):874-875. doi:10.1001/jama.2023.2889 Full Text Chronic pain, especially at multiple sites in the body, was linked to a higher risk of dementia in a study of more than 350 000 UK Biobank participants aged 39 to 73 years. After adjustments for potential confounder...
Musculoskeletal pain is a condition that characterises several diseases and represents a constantly growing issue with enormous socio-economic burdens, highlighting the importance of developing treatment algorithms appropriate to the patient’s needs and effective management strategies. Indeed, the algic condit...
Repeated measures in clinical trials: analysis using mean summary statistics and its implications for design. Stat Med. 1992;11(13):1685-17041485053PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 10. Vickers AJ. Statistical reanalysis of four recent randomized trials of acupuncture for pain using analysis of covariance...
We analyzed longitudinal data from the UK Biobank, which links baseline assessment data with follow-up data from hospital episode statistics and general practice records. Constipation was defined with diagnostic codes or regular use of laxatives at baseline as reported in the questionnaire. Cox ...
The GWAS summary statistics for chronic hip pain, chronic back pain and chronic neck pain were downloaded from with the category codes as ukb-b-133, ukb-b-8463 and ukb-b-16118, respectively. Human brain gene expression data in AHBA can be downloaded ...
A good number of children grow up in households where a parent has been diagnosed with medical chronic illness. Parental chronic illness is stressful for c
Heart disease and stroke statistics–2015 update: a report from the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2015;131(4):e29–322. PubMed Google Scholar Ekström H, Elmståhl S. Pain and fractures are independently related to lower walking speed and grip strength: results from the ...
Differential methylation analysis at the nucleotide level was performed, and summary statistics of read depth were obtained using methylKit 1.10.0 [33] in R 3.6.2. Differential methylation was tested between conditioned pain modulation phenotypes for adults with cLBP and PFCs. We controlled for age...
Distinct types of dorsal root ganglion sensory neurons may have unique contributions to chronic pain. Identification of primate sensory neuron types is critical for understanding the cellular origin and heritability of chronic pain. However, molecular in