Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Chronic pain in Australia, Summary. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Published May 7, 2020. Elkins G, Jensen MP, Patterson DR. Hypnotherapy for the management ...
People were eligible to participate in the survey if they were aged 18–45, currently living in Australia and either had a surgically confirmed diagnosis of endometriosis, or if they had CPP from any cause. CPP was defined as pain in the pelvis for at least six months that caused the perso...
Dr. Terry Slevin from Public Health Australia said a third of chronic diseases were preventable. "We don't have a clear coherent plan to tackle this and we need to focus on prevention," he said. AIHW chief executive Barry Sandison said, those with lower incomes were three times as likely...
The included studies were published in 45 different journals, from 2003 to 2022 in 14 different countries, with the United States, Canada and Australia being the most represented ones. The chronic conditions studied are presented in (Table 3). Studies collected data through surveys (74%, n ...
7, 8, 9 In this article collection, we focus on seven of the major chronic condition groups included in the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) chronic disease reports:5 arthritis, back pain, cardiovascular disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cancer, chronic kidney ...
Almost two in five families in Australia live with a child with a chronic illness (AIHW 2012). A chronic illness is one that is prolonged in duration, does not often resolve spontaneously and is rarely cured completely (Dowrick et al. 2005). It includes illnesses such as asthma, diabetes,...
v 1 Introduction...1Purpose ...
This study seeks to determine if implementing a culturally-appropriate early childhood caries (ECC) intervention reduces dental disease burden and oral health inequalities among Indigenous children living in South Australia, Australia. This paper describ
Concurrent chronic and degenerative diseases are associated with significant long-term morbidity and mortality, and are a major public health challenge for Australia and the rest of the world [4]. For example, the health burden from back pain with depression is substantially greater than back pain...
During the intervention, the proportion of participants in the extremely obese, obese, categories decreased from Session 1 to Session 6 while those in the normal weight range increased from 9 to 13%. Overweight and obesity is the fourth highest risk factor for burden of disease in Australia. A...