The surgical and physiologic construct of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) leads to a unique set of potential complications that require routine follow-up by an experienced bariatric surgeon. Chronic abdominal pain after RYGB is particularly challenging and often requires thoughtful workup and possible...
Physical activity, dyspnea, and chest pain before and after coronary artery bypass grafting in relation to a history of diabetes The questionnaire evaluated limitation of physical activity and symptoms of chest pain and dyspnea.In all, 2,121 patients participated in the evaluation, of... J, Herli...
Children frequently receive no or inadequate treatment for pain and painful procedures. The newborn and critically ill child are especially vulnerable to receiving no treatment or under-treatment. The conventional notion that children neither respond to
About one-third of patients will present within the first 3 months after surgery, and about one-half will present after 1 year. The most common presenting sign will be epigastric pain, and patients may less commonly present with nausea, vomiting, dysphagia, bleeding, or chronic anemi...
CMP = chronic musculoskeletal pain , NRS = numeric rating scale. Full size image Table 1 Participant baseline characteristics (n = 139). Full size table Effects of exercise on pain and associated factors We analyzed the change in pain after the intervention, as well as ...
Anastomosis of the pancreas to the posterior wall of stomach was performed using pancreatic duct to gastric mucosa technique. The cases were followed up and it was seen that pancreaticogastrostomy is an effective operation for chronic pancreatitis. Most patients (89%) got relieved of pain for ...
Preoperative opioid use, tobacco use, and development of persistence, recurrence, or a second primary tumor were associated with chronic opioid use after surgery, and both preoperative and chronic opioid use were associated with decreased survival. Introduction Chronic pain is a major concern for ...
Dorea longicatena was more abundant in CM patients with MOH compared to healthy non-headache sufferers in our study. Dorea longicatena abundance was reported to be associated with being overweight and obesity [23] and insulin resistance after gastric bypass [24]. Dorea longicatena also metabolize...
Postprandial pain also is associated with biliary disease, peptic ulcer disease, pancreatitis, diverticulitis, gastric reflux, irritable bowel syndrome, and gastroparesis. Malignancy must be ruled out in an older patient presenting with GI symptoms and weight loss. ...
after the beginning of the pandemic, compared to pre-pandemic assessments of the same longitudinal cohort [9]. This finding echoed similar results from longitudinal studies of children in Italy receiving treatment for chronic pain before and during the pandemic, which found decreased pain severity ...