Sleep quality was assessed by Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index- Hindi version. Results This sample had predominance of males (78.6%), average age of subjects was 48.70+ 12.31 years and 98.5% subjects had decompensated liver disease. RLS was reported by 19.1% subjects and 2.3% had positive family ...
liver cirrhosisThe present research examines the part interleukin-17 (IL-17) plays in the progression of liver disease in people infected with the long-term hepatitis B virus. A proinflammatory cytokine called IL-17, linked to a number of autoimmune disorders, was examined in serum samples taken...
There are several reasons why we might expect a greater risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection and/or a worse course of the disease in patients with IBD: first of all, the weakening of the immune system and the greater risk of infection of these patients, due to the immunosuppressive drugs they ...