Read the latest chapters of Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease at, Elsevier’s leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature
期刊简介: Each bimonthly issue of Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease presents focused review articles devoted to a single topic of current importance in clinical nephrology and related fields. The in-depth scholarly review articles explore the care and management of persons with early kidney disease ...
The purpose of Advances Chronic Kidney Disease is to provide in-depth, scholarly review articles about the care and management of persons with early kidney disease and kidney failure, as well as those at risk for kidney disease. Emphasis is on articles related to the early identification of kidn...
Journal Title:Advances In Chronic Kidney Disease The purpose of Advances Chronic Kidney Disease is to provide in-depth, scholarly review articles about the care and management of persons with early kidney disease and kidney failure, as well as those at risk for kidney disease. Emphasis is on art...
Chronic kidney disease and advanced roles for the biomedical scientist: time to step up, time to collaborateScientists should be encouraged to have more constructive dialogue with their multidisciplinary colleagues-one step further to this is for there to be ...
depth, scholarly review articles about the care and management of persons with early kidney disease and kidney failure, as well as those at risk for kidney disease. Emphasis is on articles related to the early identification of kidney disease; prevention or delay in progression of kidney disease...
This was a health facility-based descriptive cross-sectional study among 432 adults living with cancer, diabetes, chronic kidney disease (CKD), stroke, and hypertension in the Ho Municipality of Ghana. The study adopted the EQ-5D-5L instrument and the Ugandan value set to compute respondents’ ...
Kidney failure PD: Parkinson’s disease IBS: Irritable bowel syndrome RA: Rheumatoid arthritis AS: Axial spondylarthritis FSS: Fatigue severity scale FACIT-F: Functional assessment of chronic illness therapy—fatigue FAQ: Fatigue assessment questionnaire ...
While Americans are more gravely afflicted by chronic disease than ever before, we have also never had such an array of treatments for our deadliest diseases so readily available to us. Deepening this paradox is a stunning fact: Many of the most potent and lasting treatments for our national ...
The UNC TRxANSITION was used with AYA with kidney disease [33], [34], [35]; the RTQ with AYA with inflammatory bowel disease [38], and sickle cell disease [59]; the ON TRAC with cystic fibrosis [40]; and the Transition Q with congenital heart disease [42]. In contrast, the ...