Adults with chronic kidney disease: Overview and nursing care goalsChicca, JenniferAmerican Nurse Journal
The patients with chronic kidney disease in Thailand has continuously increased and subsequently is the cause of body, mind and social spiritual problems toward patients and created negative economic affect that government has to pay for a great deal of budget in taking care of this group of patie...
Supporting patients' decision-making across the trajectory of chronic kidney disease: A nursing best practice guideline CANNT JournalBrunier, GillianRavenscroft, EleanorChung, Jenny Oey
kidneydiseasechronic肾脏mosby慢性 Copyright © 2007, 2004, 2000, Mosby, Inc., an affiliate of Elsevier Inc. All Rights Reserved. Chronic Kidney Disease Chronic Kidney Disease (Chapter 47, (Chapter 47, “Nursing Management: “Nursing Management: Cronic Kidney Disease,” in the Lewis textbook Cro...
Raising awareness about CKD is a passion for Amber Paulus, Ph.D., R.N., an affiliate researcher with Virginia Commonwealth University's School of Nursing. "The major barrier to addressing kidney disease is general awareness. Because the disease can progress silently and doesn't exhibit major sy...
IntroductionChronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a serious condition to manage and requires multidisciplinary team involvement. Nurse's knowledge and perceptions regarding management of CKD is paramount as this decrease the morbidity and mortality among the population.Purpose of the studyThe purpose of this ...
Chronic kidney disease prevalence in nursing homes and its trends over time is unknown but likely to be high. In 2000, 1.6 million (4.5%) adults older than age 65 years were in nursing homes.33 In conclusion, survey data suggest that the prevalence of CKD in the United States is high ...
Epidemiology and Prevention, Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism, High Blood Pressure Research, Cardiovascular Nursing, and the Kidney in Heart Disease; and the Interdisciplinary Working Group on Quality of Care and Outcomes Research: endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics. Circulation. 20...
Objective To explore the application of GFR (glomerular filter rate) equations in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). 目的探究肾小球滤过率(glomerular filterrate,GFR)评估方程在少数民族和汉族慢性肾脏病(chronic kidneydisease,CKD)患者中的临床研究。 更多例句>> 5...
Functional turbulence of T cell subsets with chronic renal disease; 慢性肾脏疾病与T淋巴细胞亚群功能紊乱(英文) 2. Objective:To investigate the factors related with depression occurring in the patients withChronic renal diseaseand provided basement for clinical nursing. ...