KidneyLuv provides Chronic Kidney Disease CKD patients w/ renal news, education, nutritional information, inspiration to prolong & improve quality of life.
children with chronic kidney disease (CKD) have improved over the last 30years, there is an emerging need to characterize and understand later educational and employment outcomes across the spectrum of pediatric CKD severity—ranging from mild CKD to requirement for dialysis and kidney transplantation....
Education of Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease at the Interface of Primary Care Providers and Nephrologists Patient education is promoted as an integral part of effective kidney disease management. Programs and tools are available for providers and patients to su... W Nunes,A Julie - 《Advances...
Education Lab | CME | Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). This monograph will review the classification, diagnosis, and treatment of CKD. The relationship of CKD to CVD will be discussed, along with strategies to re...
更新 大幅提高文件上传限制,最高150M (2024-4-1) 科研通是完全免费的文献互助平台,具备全网最快的应助速度,最高的求助完成率。 对每一个文献求助,科研通都将尽心尽力,给求助人一个满意的交代。实时播报 忞航完成签到 ,获得积分10 41秒前 无花果上传了应助文件 42秒前 清爽明辉发布了新的文献求助10 47...
Since chronic kidney disease is highly insidious in the early stages, most diagnosed patients have already developed irreversible renal failure. There is a lack of effective implementation and standardization of health education management for patients with chronic kidney disease, and the impact of health...
Kidney Int 2005; 67: 2089–100 CrossRef Myers G, Miller W, Coresh J, et al. Recommendations for improving serum creatinine measurement: a report from the Laboratory Working Group of the National Kidney Disease Education Program. Clin Chem 2006; 52: 5–18 CrossRef Foley RN, Parfrey PS,...
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a dreaded disease for which medical science has no remedy. CKD is increasing at an alarming rate all over the world. One in ten persons has some form of chronic kidney disease. Rising prevalence of diabetes, hypertension, obesity, smoking, and high cholesterol...
Equally as important is to assess the retention and understanding of the patient from the nutrition education. Through a thorough patient assessment and evaluation, the dietician may help prevent kidney disease by carefully monitoring their diabetic, hypertensive, and CVD patients by ordering the ...
Chronic Kidney Disease of unknown origin (CKDu) has appeared across Sri Lanka’s North Central Province (NCP) since the 1990s as an epidemic, unexplained by conventional associated risk factors. During the past few decades, a large number of studies attempted to determine the unknown etiology of...