National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (United Kingdom) [85] –Management of hyperphosphatemia American Diabetes Association – Management of CKD in patients with diabetes [56] Medication What to Read Next on Medscape Related Conditions and Diseases Kidney Disease and Pregnancy C...
CHRONIC kidney failureMALNUTRITIONNEPHROLOGISTSMEDICAL personnelSHORT bowel syndromeCHRONIC wasting diseaseLOW-protein dietB 1.2.2 - b We suggest that patients should be assessed by a specialist renal dietitian when they begin education about renal replacement treatment and within one month of starting ...
1. Regular monthly assessment of accurate body mass and BMI via appropriate methods (clinical judgement can be used to identify the appropriate method).RationaleData from observational studies indicate that obesity is an independent risk factor for chronic kidney disease [...
Tonelli M, Wanner C, Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes Lipid Guideline Development Work Group Members. Lipid management in chronic kidney disease: synopsis of the kidney disease: improving global outcomes 2013 clinical practice guideline. Ann Intern Med 2014;160:182...
The AJMC® Chronic Kidney Disease compendium is a comprehensive resource for clinical news and expert insights on the condition and treatment of loss of kidney function.
andStratification K/DOQIClinicalPracticeGuidelinesforChronicKidneyDisease:Evaluation, Classification,andStratification GarabedEknoyanMD NathanW.LevinMD K/DOQICo-Chair ©2002bytheNationalKidneyFoundation,Inc. 0272-6386/02/3902-0102$35.00/0 Acronymsandabbreviations AASK AfricanAmericanStudyofKidneyDiseaseand...
Recent clinical practice guidelines by the National Kidney Foundation 1) define chronic kidney disease and classify its stages, regardless of underlying cause, 2) evaluate laboratory measurements for the clinical assessment of kidney disease, 3) associate the level of kidney function with complications ...
Clinical guidelines for CKD generally focus first on anti-hypertensive therapy, as high blood pressure is both a cause and consequence of kidney damage and disease. This means that uncontrolled blood pressure can lead to a vicious cycle for the kidneys. The management of high blood pressure in ...
Clinical Practice Guideline for Soyangin Disease of Sasang Constitutional Medicine: Overview [The guideline for the treatment of mood disorders in USA and Japan]. [The application of vitamin D and its analogues in patients with chronic kidney disease: the Chinese... Chapters 6-7 What’s new ...
, Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) was established in 2003 with its stated mission to “improve the care and outcomes of kidney disease patients worldwide through promoting coordination, collaboration, and integration of initiatives to develop and implement clinical practice guidelines....