Chronic Fatigue SyndromeDocuments the latest results and opinions on the causes and possible cures for this disorder. Coverage includes retroviral involvement, immunity, pathophysiology and pharmacological treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome.Julie WhelanGregory R. Bock...
There are many described therapies for chronic fatigue syndrome. Because the cause of chronic fatigue syndrome is unknown, treatment programs are directed at relieving symptoms rather than curing the condition. The goal is to regain some level of preexisting function and well-being. With this in m...
This is a condition that affects every part of your being. This is more than just “chronic fatigue,” which is debilitating on its own. Here’s a look at all the ways chronic fatigue syndrome can affect your life, but what you can do to help yourself. Chronic Fatigue vs. Chronic Fati...
Looking for a drug cure for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a bit like trying to buy a new Buick from a Ford dealer:it just isn't possible. The first rule of fishing is to put your hook in the water, because that is where the fish are. Let's consider nutrition research and see what ...
Of course, any effective treatment plan for managing fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome should include many dimensions, including strategies for promoting excellent nutrition, adequate exercise, and medical supervision, but these therapies may well become one of the stepping stones on the return to...
Ciba Foundation Symposium 173 - Chronic Fatigue Syndromedoi:10.1002/9780470514382Documents the latest results and opinions on the causes and possible cures for this disorder. Coverage includes retroviral involvement, immunity, pathophysiology and pharmacological treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome.Gregory R....
As with many families battling an illness for which there is no known treatment, we were offered countless 'miracle cures'. Some people suggested we should bring a dowser into the house so that we could realign her bed. Others told us to give her transfusions of vitamins, make her have...
Insomnia due to a medical condition: insomnia associated with disorders such as advanced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), arthritis, cancer, renal disease, fibromyalgia, neurologic problems, Parkinson's disease, and chronic fatigue syndrome Insomnia due to mental disorder: depression, schizoph...
Insomnia due to a medical condition: insomnia associated with disorders such as advanced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), arthritis, cancer, renal disease, fibromyalgia, neurologic problems, Parkinson's disease, and chronic fatigue syndrome Insomnia due to mental disorder: depression, schizoph...
Calcarea Carbonica is prominently used for chronic infections, particularly those affecting the head, throat, and kidneys. It is beneficial for children with chronic colds, swollen glands, and individuals with chronic fatigue syndrome.Editors' Pick...