Intrathoracic chronic expanding hematoma; report of a case. [Japanese]Kita, YKondo, DNogimura, HIda, MFujii, MEnomoto, NSuzuki, KKazui, T
Enlargement of intracerebral hematoma without rebleeding in chronic phase is a rare but well-known clinical condition, and is well-described as chronic expanding intracerebral hematoma. However, chronic enlargement of pituitary hematoma without rebleeding after pituitary apoplexy is extremely rare.We report...
Chronic expanding hematoma is a hematoma that gradually increases in size over a period. Only a few studies reported a chronic expanding hematoma that turned into a malignancy, we report a rare presentation of a chronically expanding hematoma that after 10 years became an angiosarcoma. This is a...
Rupture of a chronic expanding hematoma of the thorax into lung parenchyma. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2004;127:1838-40.Okubo K, Okamoto T, Isobe J and Ueno Y: Rupture of a chronic expanding hematoma of the thorax into lung parenchyma. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 127: 1838‑...
such as hematoma that occurred at the gray–white matter interface, acute apnea (typically 10–60 s), intracranial hypertension, bradycardia, hyperglycemia, and suppressed electroencephalogram amplitude20. The rmTBI group of rats was again anesthetized and received either sham or mild LFP on D3. Af...
Nishida Y, Kobayashi E, Kubota D, Setsu N, Ogura K, Tanzawa Y, Nakatani F, Kato Y, Chuman H, Kawai A: Chronic expanding hematoma with a significantly high fluorodeoxyglucose uptake on ¹⁸F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography, mimicking a malignant soft tissue tumor: a case ...
Here we report a case of chronic expanding hematoma that presented mimicking a soft tissue neoplasm. Case Report A 55-year-old Hispanic male presented to the emergency department complaining of pain and a mass over his left hip. A small cherry-sized mass had been present in the same location...
Chronic expanding hema- toma might be a potential insidious challenge for orthopedic surgeon. Musculoskelet Surg 2012; 96: 137-140.Pignatti G, Rani N, Carubbi C: Chronic expanding hematoma might be a potential insidious challenge for orthopedic surgeon. Musculoskelet Surg 2011doi: 10.1007!s12306...
Chronic expanding hematoma on the linea alba after breast reconstruction using free muscle-sparing transverse rectus abdominis musculocutaneous (TRAM) flapdoi:10.1002/micr.22412WileyMicrosurgery
Genetic analyses were performed on this chronic expanding hematoma. Results: G-Banding analysis of short-term cultured cells from the chronic expanding hematoma yielded a karyotype with a single clonal chromosome abnormality: 46,XY,t(11;19)(q13;q13)[8]/46,XY[10]. RNA sequencing and examination...