Important to the discussion of HF is the underlying cause, which defines the mechanisms that drive the development of HF. These can be divided into 4 broad categories. The first is based on traditional risk factors, such as ischemic injury, hypertension, and metabolic syndrome (diabetes mellitus,...
Living long is a biological process characterized by progressive alterations in tissue/organ function, often associated with increased risk of chronic diseases. Among major theories...
1993 Role of insulin resistance in human disease (syndrome X): an expanded definition A. Rev. Med. 44: 121–131 CAS Google Scholar Remacle-Bonnet MM, Garrouste FL, Heller S, Andre F, Marvaldi JL, Pommier GJ . 2000 Insulin-like growth factor-1 protects colon cancer cells from death ...
1. Introduction Orofacial pain conditions are very common and many that are chronic may be es- pecially difficult to diagnose and treat because of their complexity and lack of clarity of the detailed mechanisms underlying their aetiology and pathogenesis [1–6]. Examples are temporomandibular ...
OSA, in particular CIH and SF, have been correlated with different metabolic disorders, including obesity, metabolic syndrome (MetS) and type 2 diabetes (T2D) [5,6]. The association between OSA and dysmetabolism have been demonstrated in different clinical and epidemiological studies. MetS is ...
Abbreviations: LFT: lung functional test; BAL: Broncho-Alveolar Lavage; DLCO: Diffusion Lung Carbon Monoxide; FEV1: Forced Expiratory Volume in the first second; VC: vital capacity; BOS: Bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome; RLD: Restrictive Lung Disease; PDN: Prednisone; FAM: Fluticasone-Azithromycin-...
However, two RNA viruses have been intensively analyzed: Severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV) [14] and Human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) [15]. Using SDS-Page followed by Electrospray ionization (ESI) MS/MS, structural proteins of SARS-CoV have been identified...
Down-regulation of hepatic lipase expression in experimental nephrotic syndrome. Kidney Int. 1997, 51, 1933–1937. [CrossRef] [PubMed] 45. Sato, T.; Liang, K.; Vaziri, N.D. Protein restriction and AST-120 improve lipoprotein lipase and VLDL receptor in focal glomerulosclerosis. Kidney Int....
3.1. 3P.h1.oPsphhoasptehate aAndromAuurnosdut n1b2de01e0x2c0mr0egmtepdghpionhsopusrhpianhteaet[ea24rae]r.eiKninigdgenesesttyeedsdadddaajuiillsyyt wwseiirtthuhmffooopodhd,o,osofpfwhwahtihechilcehavreaolrusonaudnnd9d0p09re0mv0gemnatrgepaahrboessoparbhbaseotderbed andamccuusmt ubleate...
Similar results were seen with infliximab in the Anti-TNF-α in Congestive Heart Failure (ATTACH) trial, which also demonstrated increased death in patients with HF at higher doses, presumably through the lysis of cells expressing TNF-α, such as cardiomyocytes.46 However, one wonders, if ...