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COPD is defined as a chronic inflammatory lung condition characterized by significant and irreversible airflow limitation in the presence of symptoms of cough and/or breathlessness. From:Canadian Journal of Cardiology,2012 About this page Set alert ...
Always cover your mouth when you cough. Cough into a tissue or your shirtsleeve so you do not spread germs from your hands. Try to avoid people who have a cold or the flu. If you are sick, stay away from others as much as possible. ...
Also known as: Upperrespiratoryinfection (URI), rhinovirus Thecommon coldcan be caused by over 200 viruses, withrhinovirusbeing the most common.3 The running usually starts within the first two to three days after you pick up the virus.4 Mucus usually starts out clear and may turn white, ...
What is the treatment plan for the following patient? A seven-year-old boy presents to the clinician's office with his mother, with complaints of fever, headache, and cough. The mother states that her son has been sick since yesterday. When he first becom ...
Twenty percent of patients in Bell's study [53] continue to consider themselves ill with limitations or disability even 13 years after the onset of the syndrome; although 8% of children find their outcome satisfactory. Although is difficult to differentiate children with CFS from those who are ...
Emphysema is a kind of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease that causes shortness of breath at physical exertion, a chronic cough, increased mucous, wheezing and fatigue. Emphysema can put one at higher risk for heart disease and cancer. In 2011, 12.7 million U.S. adults were estimated to ha...
They are accompanied by an increase in dyspnoea, a change in cough pattern and in the nature and production of the sputum. Exacerbations should be treated by intensifying the bronchodilator therapy, supplemented with a burst of oral corticosteroids if necessary. Corticosteroids are indicated for a ...
To assess compliance with COVID-19 guidelines, we used 11 items (e.g., covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze) [29, 30]. Participants provided responses on a 4-point Likert-type scale (1 = not at all to 4 = to a great extent). We...
COPD is a progressive and debilitating condition that causes dyspnea, cough and disability. Patients may also experience acute exacerbations which can cause life-threatening breathlessness [11]. People with this illness also report psychiatric symptoms [12–14] such as anxiety and depression [15–21]...