Myofascial Pain Syndrome, MwA: Migraine without Aura, NP: Neuropathic Pain, OA: Osteoarthritis (KOA- Knee, HOA- Hip), PHN: Post-Herpetic Neuralgia, PIR: Pain Intensity Rating, PNP: Polyneuropathic Pain, RA: Rheumatoid Arthritis, SCS: Spinal Cord Stimulation, TMD: Temporomandibular Disorders, TN...
The prevalence of depression among people with chronic pain remains unclear due to the heterogeneity of study samples and definitions of depression. We aimed to identify sources of variation in the prevalence of depression among people with chronic pain and generate clinical prediction models to estimat...
An increased risk of COPD has been found in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) [13], probably partly due to smoking as a common risk factor, but also likely related to effects of chronic inflammation [14]. Insights on the prevalence of COPD in patients with SpA may help us to ...
Sanchez-Barcelo et al (2010) noted that the efficacy of melatonin has been assessed as a treatment of aging and depression, blood diseases, CFS, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, fibromyalgia, gastrointestinal tract diseases, infectious diseases, neurological diseases, ocular diseases, rheumatoid arthrit...
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), joint arthritis, and obesity had the strongest relationship with CLBP. Additionally, we found that the most prescribed treatment for CLBP were opioids, which ranked above NSAIDs and physical therapy. 56% of CLBP patients were prescribed opioids as compared to 36% of...
2 332 Pain 2 0.09 Alternative medicine 3 309 Electroacupuncture 3 0.08 Analgesia 4 250 Management 4 0.07 Arthritis 5 165 Prevalence 5 0.07 Inflammatory pain 6 133 Efficacy 6 0.07 Controlled trial 7 123 Systematic review 7 0.06 Chronic pain 8 121 Therapy 8 0.06 Disability 9 104 Knee osteoarthrit...
Complex relationships between depression and chronic pain have been reported in previous studies. However, only a few neuroimaging studies have investigated similarities and differences in neural systems underlying them. We examined the brain functions i
be defined as persistent pain for more than 3 months. The proposed classification system differentiates between different kinds of chronic painful disorders. It comprises many conditions associated with persistent or recurrent pain, according to the classification of chronic pain in the ICD-11 [2,3]...
with no clearly recognizable cause (e.g., burning mouth syndrome [BMS]; persistent idiopathic facial pain [PIFP]; persistent idiopathic dentoalveolar pain [PIDP] to others that are expressed as part of a recognized chronic disorder or disease (e.g., arthritis, cancer, diabetes, HIV/AIDS)....
Changes in pain catastrophizing predict later changes in fibromyalgia clinical and experimental pain report: Cross-lagged panel analyses of dispositional and situational catastrophizing Arthritis Res Ther, 14 (2012), p. R231 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar 27 J Cao, Y Tu, SP Orr, C Lang, J Park,...