maxillary a. 颚的,颚骨的,小颚的 n. 颚骨 chronic a. 1.(病)慢性的;(人)久病的 2.长期的,不断的 3.惯常的,习惯性的 sinusitis n. 窦炎 chrysanthemaxanthin 【化】 菊黄质 Chromax 克罗马克镍铬耐热合金 Zithromax 阿奇霉素;药品名称:希舒美 max abbr. 1. 最高的;最多的;最大极限的 ...
美 英 un.慢性上颌窦炎 英汉 un. 1. 慢性上颌窦炎 例句 更多例句筛选
maxillary sinusitispalaeopathologymedievalWe examined three populations from Medieval Maastricht for signs of chronic inflammatory disease of the maxillary sinus. The populations represent rural and urban communities with a different social status. Maxillary sinuses of 126 individuals were inspected ...
It is known that allergy is concerned in the origin of chronic sinusitis. In this report, localization of immunoglobulins and the distribution of immunoglobulin producing cells in the sinus mucosa of chronic maxillary sinusitis were studied with direct fluorescent antibody technique. Furthermore, lympho...
Treatment of Chronic Maxillary Sinusitis in Children In the present study 141 children aged between 3 and 10 years and suffering from chronic maxillary sinusitis were treated non-selectively in one of 4 ways:... FWA Otten,JJ Grote - 《International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology》 被引...
1) antrostomy chronic maxillary sinusitis 联合造孔术2) dacryocystorhinostomy ['dækriəu,sistəurai'nɔstəmi] 造孔术 1. Clinical analysis of the curative effect of intranasal endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy with electric drill; 鼻内镜下鼻腔泪囊造孔术14例临床分析 更多例句>> ...
MaxillarySinus liftingIntroduction Chronic sinusitis can be considered a relative contraindication for sinus lifting procedure. However, its specific effects on bone height, infection and healing have not been as well investigated as its incidence as a post-operative complication. Methods A retrospective ...
Otorhinolaryngological Assessment and Physiopathology of the Maxillary Sinus Prior to Bone Augmentation The role of the ENT specialist in the preimplant treatment phase is fundamental since some rhinosinus pathologies are considered to be contraindications fo... H Maarek,B Tourbah - Springer Internation...
Chronic maxillary sinusitis resulting from displacement of impression material into the maxillary antrum: a case report Lownie, J.F., Lemmer, J. and Sykes, L (1989). Chronic Maxillary Sinusitis Resulting from Displacement of Impression Material into the Maxillary Antrum:... JF Lownie,J Lemmer,...
In young children, orbital complications in acute ethmoiditis or maxillary sinusitis are more common than in adults because of the thin bony walls between sinuses and the orbit [13,246]. Management The management scheme for CRS in children according to our practice and to the EP3OS guideline ...