In eukaryotes, many independent evolutionary transitions have been documented between hermaphroditic sexual systems and separate sexes (which is termed dioecy in plants and gonochorism in animals)1. Dioecious plants or gonochoristic animals are characterised by individuals of the same species but with...
SEX-LINKED INHERITANCE OF VIRULENCE AGAINST WHEAT RESISTANCE GENE H9 IN THE HESSIAN FLY (DIPTERA, CECIDOMYIIDAE) The results suggest that vH9 and eye color loci are located on 1 of the 2 sex chromosomes of the Hessian fly, and the Idh locus is on the other... ES Formusoh,JH Hatchett,...
To evaluate the degeneration effects of such mutations on neo-Y-linked genes, we characterized 23 gene pairs that are located in the inverted region on the neo-Y chromosome (Additional data file 1), one pair in the neo-Y 'PAR' region, and six pairs on autosomes. These genes were ...
and differentiated as the sex-limited chromosome (e.g. Y) has degenerated by losing most genes through cessation of recombination. While often thought that degenerated sex-limited chromosomes primarily affect traits involved in sex determination and sex cell production, accumulating evidence suggests they...
Cell DivisionMicroscopy, FluorescenceRecent studies provide evidence that bacterial chromosomes are replicated by an enzyme factory, the replisome, located at a fixed position at the center of the cell; the fixed replisome could be a major factor in determining chromosome order in the cell, and may...
We report the discovery of a novel group of highly conserved DNA sequences located within the intergenic regions of the chromosomes of Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium and other bacteria. These intergenic repeat units (IRUs) are 124-127 nucleotides long and have the potential to form stable...
In contrast to eukaryotes, the DNA in prokaryotic cells is generally present in a single circular chromosome that is located in the cytoplasm. (Recall that prokaryotic cells do not possess a nucleus.) Prokaryotic chromosomes are less condensed than their eukaryotic counterparts and don't have easily...
The driving force for this translocation is not specified by our model, but a number of plausible alternatives have been proposed by others (reviewed in Leonard and Helmstetter, 1990). Throughout the ensuing replication and cell division, the chromosomes are located (or can move freely) within ...
Intriguingly, we find that, except for chicken, Z-linked genes that are located in the older evolutionary strata and have experienced a longer time of hemizygosity exhibit a significantly higher level of biased expression toward males (Figure4), compared to others located in the younger strata. ...
the genusSalixaccording to phylogenetic incongruence between the chloroplast and nuclear trees ofSalix10,20,22. Diploid species within theSalix-clade have XY sex chromosomes on chromosome 7, whereas species in theVetrix-clade have XY or ZW sex chromosomes on chromosome 1523, with 15XY inferred as...