Deng H-X, Abe K, Kondo I, Tsucahara M, Inagaki H, Hamada I, Fukushima Y, Niikawa N. Parental origin and mechanisms of formation of polysomy X: an XXXXX case and four XXXXY cases determined with RFLPs. Hum Genet. 1991;86:541–4. ArticlePubMedCASGoogle Scholar Leal CA, Belmont J...
While divergence between X and Y sex chromosomes has been described in a growing number of angiosperm species2,3, investigations of what some consider to be less common ZW systems can shed new light on the dynamics and consequences of sex chromosome evolution. Since its discovery as the likely...
Recently, the influence of the XX vs. XY sex chromosome complement on immune cell activation has become increasingly appreciated. The X chromosome encodes for a large number of immune-related genes, as well as epigenetic regulators associated with lymphocyte activation and differentiation [15].While ...
alata) further suggest that the delta paleotetraploidy may have preceded the origin of the family Dioscoreaceae, the fragmentation of the T. zeylanicus assembly precludes a definitive assessment. The timing of the delta duplication (estimated to be 64 Mya22) is contemporaneous with the K/T ...
棕色田鼠雄性个体C-带中期分裂相中,X性染色体是亚中部着丝粒染色体,在着丝粒处存在着强烈的C阳性带,而且在短臂的中间也有一条C阳性带,但是没有发现深染的Y染色体。 As a result, he has discovered that expression levels of dosage-sensitive ...
Marjan, SabbaghianAnahita Mohseni, MeybodiMouness, RahimianMohammad Ali, Sadighi Gilani. (2011) Occurrence of 47,X,i(X)(q10),Y Klinefelter variant with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. Fertility and Sterility 96 , e115-e117 /Sabbaghian M , Meyobodi Mohseni M , Rahimian M , Gilani Sadighi ...
The PAR1 and PAR2 of the Y chromosome are short regions of homology between the mammalian X and Y chromosomes; the PAR1 is located on the tip of the p arm and the PAR2 on the tip of the q arm (Fig.1). Due to the diversity in the genetic sequences of the X and Y chromosomes...
X is certainly monosomic in the case of C. elegans, where males do not contain any Y chromosome (XO). How is monosomy of the X tolerated in males? This question should be considered in the context of X chromosome evolution. X and Y chromosomes evolved from a pair of autosomes by a ...
Thymus mongolicus (family Lamiaceae) is a Thyme subshrub with strong aroma and remarkable environmental adaptability. Limited genomic information limits the use of this plant. Chromosome-level 605.2 Mb genome of T. mongolicus was generated, with 96.28% a
Liposcelis tricolor (Psocoptera: Liposcelididae) is a significant pest affecting stored products globally. However, due to the lack of a detailed genomic reference, the mechanisms of sex determination, stress resistance, and potential control methods for