Biology definition: Achromosomeis a structure within thecellthat bears thegenetic materialas a threadlike linearstrandof DNA bonded to variousproteinsin thenucleusofeukaryoticcells, or as a circular strand ofDNA(orRNAin someviruses) in thecytoplasmofprokaryotesand in themitochondrionandchloroplastof cert...
chromosome in Biology topic From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishchro‧mo‧some /ˈkrəʊməsəʊm $ ˈkroʊməsoʊm/ noun [countable] a part of every living cell that is shaped like a thread and contains the genes that control the size, shape etc that a ...
A definition ofsex chromosomesis that they carry sex-determining genes (i.e. which control female and male fertility), and that they are heteromorphic [distinguishable microscopically in the two sexes by size or shape (e.g. arm ratios), both fromautosomesand from each other]. Sex chromosomes...
Cell biology is probably the fastest advancing biological science; today's new insights can revert into old news in just a couple of weeks. Here we will be concerned with cytogenetics, the subfield of biology that studies chromosomes, and its relation to primate evolution and phylogeny. It is...
Submetacentric chromosome in the largest biology dictionary online. Free learning resources for students covering all major areas of biology.
The human Y chromosome harbors genes that are responsible for testis development and also for initiation and maintenance of spermatogenesis in adulthood. The long arm of the Y chromosome (Yq) contains many ampliconic and palindromic sequences making
After 20 years from the first molecular definition of the AZF, Yq deletion screening has now become a routine test for infertile males in many countries to identify the cause of male infertility. With clear-cut cause–effect relationship with severely impaired spermatogenesis, this test is now of...
Chromosome-scale genome assembly provides insights into rye biology, evolution and agronomic potential Article Open access 18 March 2021 Introduction Yams (genus Dioscorea) are an important source of food and income in tropical and subtropical regions of Africa, Asia, the Pacific, and Latin America...
In subject area: Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology These rare chromosomal variants are either balanced chromosomal translocations or deletions (copy number variants, CNVs) that disrupt one TCF4 allele and therefore lead to haploinsufficiency. ...
and it was presumed that any more common allele must be largely benign. (The latter is definitely not true; for instance, the sickle-cell andcystic fibrosismutations are both polymorphic in their respective populations.) Polymorphism is a useful concept, though, despite the arbitrary definition. ...