Faithful chromosome segregation in meiosis is essential for ploidy stability over sexual life cycles. In plants, defective chromosome segregation caused by gene mutations or other factors leads to the formation of unbalanced or unreduced gametes creating aneuploid or polyploid progeny, respectively. ...
Faithful chromosome segregation in meiosis is essential for ploidy stability over sexual life cycles. In plants, defective chromosome segregation caused by gene mutations or other factors leads to the formation of unbalanced or unreduced gametes creating aneuploid or polyploid progeny, respectively. Accurat...
This review focuses on the four fundamental differences between mitotic and meiotic chromosome segregation that allow the ordered reduction of chromosome number in meiosis: (1) reciprocal recombination and formation of chiasmata between homologous chromosomes, (2) suppression of sister kinetochore bi...
Siomos MF, Badrinath A, Pasierbek P, Livingstone D, White J, Glotzer M, Nasmyth K (2001) Separase is required for chromosome segregation during meiosis I in Caenorhabditis elegans . Curr Biol 11(23):1825–1835Siomos, M. F., Badrinath, A., Pasierbek, P., Livingstone, D., White, J...
Accurate chromosome segregation during meiosis is crucial for reproduction. Human and porcine oocytes transiently cluster their chromosomes before the onset of spindle assembly and subsequent chromosome segregation. The mechanism and function of chromoso
Kinetochore recruitment of two nucleolar proteins is required for homolog segregation in meiosis I. Halving of the chromosome number during meiosis I depends on the segregation of maternal and paternal centromeres. This process relies on the attachment of... KP Rabitsch,M Petronczki,JP Javerzat,....
Interestingly, in Xenopus laevis embryonic extracts, Ran-GTP is required for spindle assembly at the 4-cell stage, but not at the ~4000 cell stage3. However, it remains unclear how Ran-GTP promotes spindle assembly and chromosome segregation in live Xenopus embryos and in other species. In ...
TORC2 Signaling Is Antagonized by Protein Phosphatase 2A and the Far Complex in Saccharomyces cerevisiae 热度: Effects of Saccharomyces cerevisiae subspecies boulardii CNCM I 热度: 相关推荐 SaccharomycescerevisiaeCSM1geneencodingaproteininfluencing chromosomesegregationinmeiosisIinteractswithelementsoftheDNA...
1.Effect of inhibiting the first polar body (PB1) on chromosome segregation in fertilized eggs and ploidy composition of 4~8 cell embryos was studied in Zhikong scallop, Chlamys ferreri.结果发现,抑制第一极体显著改变了受精卵的染色体行为,在第二次减数分裂过程中共发现4种典型染色体分离类型,分别是三...
II. Induced reorientation and the experimental control of segregation in meiosisPublished: March 1967 Volume 21, pages 17–50, (1967) Cite this article Chromosoma Aims and scope Submit manuscript R. Bruce Nicklas 125 Accesses 83 Citations Explore all metrics Abstract The relationship of kinetochore...