depot_tools Tools for working with Chromium development. It requires python 2.7 or 3.8 for python 3 support. Tools The most important tools are: fetch: A gclient wrapper to checkout a project. Use fetch --help for more details. gclient: A meta-checkout tool. Think repo or git submodules...
This is a clone of an SVN repository at It had been cloned by , but the service was since closed. Please read a closing note on my blog post:
编译过程参考,我这里是在windows下编译,编译的版本为85.0.4162.0。 系统环境 win7操作系统,vs2017,windows 10 SDK,这些是必须要求的,我刚开始没有安装windows 10 SDK,导致后面编译出错,安装后就正常了。 安装depot_tools 直接从g...
1.2 配置depot_tools Chromium使用了depot_tools来管理代码,先通过Git拉取代码: gitclone 配置环境变量: export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/depot_tools" 注意:文章中是把depot_tool下载到了【home/用户名】目录下,所以使用【$HOME】代表,环境变量要根据实...
1. git clone 2. 将 depot_tools 设置到环境变量,例如放在桌面 直接将exportPATH=$PATH:$HOME/Desktop/depot_tools 写到 ~/.bash_profile 或 ~/.zshrc 中 获取chromium源码 1. 创建一个文件夹存放源码 mkdir chromium && cd chromium ...
Win10编译chromium 1部署工具depot_tools和gclient 参考文档; 下载depot_tools: 下载地址; 解压depot_tools,并将路径写到PATH环境变量; 同时在环境变量中设置:DEPOT_TOOLS_WIN_TOOLCHAIN 值为:0 设置代理 # git
要下载Chromium首先要下载并安装depot_tools,我建议下载完后放到C盘根本目录,然后将depot_tools目录加到系统环境变量的path中。 下载Chromium前先设一下环境变量: // 这个是为了用梯子,端口要改成你的梯子的端口 set HTTP_PROXY= set HTTPS_PROXY= ...
# See for docs how to configure schema._GCLIENT_DEPS_SCHEMA = _NodeDictSchema({ schema.Optional(basestring): schema.Or( None, basestring, _NodeDictSchema({ # Repo and revision to check out under the path # (same as if no dict was used)....
下载地址,将其解压至D:\src\depot_tools目录。 注意:不要使用鼠标拖拽或复制粘贴,否则其中 .git 目录可能不会正常复制过来,请使用 zip 压缩包管理工具直接解压到目标目录。 解压完成后,将 depot_tools 目录添加到PATH环境变量。确保要在你已经安装的 ...
This is a clone of an SVN repository at It had been cloned by , but the service was since closed. Please read a closing note on my blog post: