Error: Problem: conflicting requests - package libXNVCtrl-devel-535.113.01-4.fc40.i686 from fedora requires libXNVCtrl(x86-32) = 535.113.01-4.fc40, but none of the providers can be installed - package libXNVCtrl-devel-535.113.01-4.fc40.x86_64 from fedora requires libXNVCtrl(x86-64) = ...
If you're updating the Chromium package for a newer upstream version, first create a new changelog entry in debian/changelog with the new version. Then run the following, which will download Chromium's -lite tarball and strip non-free bits from it and create the necessary .orig.tar.xz file...
SecurityDescription> security_description = PageInfoUI::CreateSafetyTipSecurityDescription(safety_tip_info_); if (security_description) { identity_status_description_android_ = security_description->details; } #endif // Site Connection // We consider anything less than 80 bits encry...
To do this download and install the Win32diskimager. 9. Now open up the Win32diskimager and select the image we extracted earlier. It is also super important to make sure the drive letter is correct as you don’t want to wipe a random drive....
rotate.cpp 32 V773 CWE-401 The function was exited without releasing the 'values' pointer. A memory leak is possible. quotes.cpp 25 V773 CWE-401 The function was exited without releasing the 'list' pointer. A memory leak is possible. textindent.cpp 52 V773 CWE-401 The function was ...
else if (name == "downloads") return chrome::DIR_DEFAULT_DOWNLOADS; else if (name == "music") return chrome::DIR_USER_MUSIC; else if (name == "pictures") return chrome::DIR_USER_PICTURES; else if (name == "videos") return chrome::DIR_USER_VIDEOS; ...
if input_api.platform == 'win32': return [] checkperms_tool = input_api.os_path.join(input_api.PresubmitLocalPath(), 'tools', 'checkperms', '') args = [ input_api.python3_executable, checkperms_tool, '--root', ...
About half a year ago we checked the Chromium project and wrote an article about it. The PVS-Studio analyzer naturally keeps developing, and in the new Chromium version we have found some errors...
The CEF binaries used by CEF4Delphi are available for download at Spotify : Windows 32 bits Windows 64 bits Linux x86 64 bits Linux ARM 32 bits Linux ARM 64 bits MacOS x86 64 bits CEF4Delphi was developed and tested on Delphi 12.2 and it has been tested in Delphi 6, Delphi XE, Delph...
In ASCII, Latin1 and UTF-8, code units occupy 8 bits (they are bytes); in UTF-16LE and UTF-16BE, code units occupy 16 bits; in UTF-32, code units occupy 32 bits. Generally speaking, functions that report errors always stop soon after an error is encountered and might therefore be...